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Version: 0.5

capact install

capact installโ€‹

install Capact into a given environment


Use this command to install the Capact version in the environment.

capact install [OPTIONS] [flags]


# Install latest Capact version from main branch
capact install

# Install Capact 0.1.0 version
capact install --version 0.1.0

# Install Capact from local git repository. Needs to be run from the main directory
capact install --version @local


      --build-image strings                    Local images names that should be build when using @local version. Takes comma-separated list. (default [argo-actions,argo-runner,e2e-test,gateway,hub-js,k8s-engine,populator])
--capact-overrides strings Overrides for Capact component.
--cert-manager-overrides strings Overrides for Cert Manager component.
--crd string Capact Action CRD location. (default "")
--enable-registry If specified, Capact images are pushed to Capact local Docker registry.
--environment string Capact environment. (default "kind")
--helm-repo string Capact Helm chart repository location. It can be relative path to current working directory or URL. Use @latest tag to select repository which holds the latest Helm chart versions. (default "")
-h, --help help for install
--increase-resource-limits Enables higher resource requests and limits for components. (default true)
--ingress-controller-overrides strings Overrides for Ingress controller component.
--install-component strings Components names that should be installed. Takes comma-separated list. (default [neo4j,ingress-nginx,argo,cert-manager,kubed,monitoring,capact])
--name string Cluster name, overrides config. (default "dev-capact")
--namespace string Capact namespace. (default "capact-system")
--timeout duration Maximum time during which the upgrade process is being watched, where "0" means "infinite". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "ยตs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". (default 10m0s)
--update-hosts-file Updates /etc/hosts with entry for Capact GraphQL Gateway. (default true)
--update-trusted-certs Add Capact GraphQL Gateway certificate. (default true)
--version string Capact version. Possible values @latest, @local, 0.3.0, ... (default "@latest")

Options inherited from parent commandsโ€‹

  -c, --config string                 Path to the YAML config file
-v, --verbose int/string[=simple] Prints more verbose output. Allowed values: 0 - disable, 1 - simple, 2 - trace (default 0 - disable)


  • capact - Collective Capability Manager CLI