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Version: 0.7

Mattermost installation

This tutorial shows the basic concepts of Capact on the Mattermost installation example.


This instruction will guide you through the installation of Mattermost on a Kubernetes cluster using Capact.

Mattermost depends on the PostgreSQL database. Depending on the cluster configuration, with the Capact project, you can install Mattermost with a managed Cloud SQL, AWS RDS database or a locally deployed PostgreSQL Helm chart.

The diagrams below show possible scenarios:

Install all Mattermost components in a Kubernetes cluster


Install Mattermost with an external Cloud SQL database



Install all Mattermost components in a Kubernetes cluster

By default, the Capact Engine Global Policy prefers Kubernetes solutions.

rules: # Configures the following behavior for Engine during rendering Action
- interface:
path: cap.*
- implementationConstraints: # prefer Implementation for Kubernetes
- path: "cap.core.type.platform.kubernetes"
# any revision
- implementationConstraints: {} # fallback to any Implementation

As a result, all external solutions, such as Cloud SQL, have a lower priority, and they are not selected. The below scenario shows how to install Mattermost with a locally deployed PostgreSQL Helm chart.


  1. Create a Kubernetes Namespace:

    export NAMESPACE=local-scenario
    kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
  2. Setup Capact CLI

  3. List all Interfaces:

    capact hub interfaces get
                               PATH                             LATEST REVISION                           IMPLEMENTATIONS
    +---------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 0.1.0 cap.implementation.elastic.elasticsearch.install
    cap.interface.automation.concourse.change-db-password 0.1.0 cap.implementation.concourse.concourse.change-db-password
    cap.interface.automation.concourse.install 0.1.0 cap.implementation.concourse.concourse.install
    +---------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 0.1.0
    +---------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 0.1.0
    cap.interface.database.postgresql.install 0.1.0 cap.implementation.bitnami.postgresql.install

    The table represents all available Actions that you can execute on this Capact. There is also a list of the Implementations available for a given Interface. You can see, that for the cap.interface.database.postgresql.install we have:

    • a Kubernetes deployment using the Bitnami Helm chart,
    • an AWS RDS instance,
    • a GCP Cloud SQL instance.
  4. Create an Action with the cap.interface.productivity.mattermost.install Interface:

    Create input parameters for the Action, where you provide the ingress host for the Mattermost.

    cat <<EOF > /tmp/mattermost-install.yaml
    host: mattermost.capact.local

    NOTE: The host must be in a subdomain of the Capact domain, so the ingress controller and Cert Manager can handle the Ingress properly it.

    If you use a local Capact installation, then you have to add an entry in /etc/hosts for it e.g.: mattermost.capact.local
    capact action create -n $NAMESPACE --name mattermost-install cap.interface.productivity.mattermost.install --parameters-from-file /tmp/mattermost-install.yaml
  5. Get the status of the Action from the previous step:

    capact action get -n $NAMESPACE mattermost-install
       NAMESPACE            NAME                              PATH                         RUN       STATUS      AGE
    gcp-scenario mattermost-install cap.interface.productivity.mattermost.install false READY_TO_RUN 19s

    In the STATUS column you can see the current status of the Action. When the Action workflow is being rendered by the Engine, you will see the BEING_RENDERED status. After the Action finished rendering and the status is READY_TO_RUN, you can go to the next step.


    To automatically wait for READY_TO_RUN, run:

    capact act wait --for=phase=READY_TO_RUN -n $NAMESPACE mattermost-install
  6. Run the rendered Action:

    After the Action is in READY_TO_RUN status, you can run it. To do this, execute the following command:

    capact action run -n $NAMESPACE mattermost-install
  7. Check the Action execution and wait till it is finished:

    capact action watch -n $NAMESPACE mattermost-install
  8. Get the ID of the cap.type.productivity.mattermost.config TypeInstance:

    capact action get -n $NAMESPACE mattermost-install -ojsonpath -t '{.Actions[*].output.typeInstances[?(@.typeRef.path == "cap.type.productivity.mattermost.config")].id}'
  9. Get the TypeInstance value:

    Use the ID from the previous step and fetch the TypeInstance value:

    capact typeinstance get {type-instance-id} -ojsonpath -t '{[0].latestResourceVersion.spec.value}'
  10. Open the Mattermost console using the host from the TypeInstance value, you got in the previous step.


🎉 Hooray! You now have your own Mattermost instance installed. Be productive!


⚠️ CAUTION: This removes all resources that you created.

When you are done, remove the Action and Helm charts:

capact action delete -n $NAMESPACE mattermost-install
helm delete -n $NAMESPACE $(helm list -f="mattermost-*|postgresql-*" -q -n $NAMESPACE)

Install Mattermost with an external CloudSQL database

To change the Mattermost installation, we need to adjust our Global policy to prefer GCP solutions. Read more about Global policy configuration here.


  1. Create a TypeInstance with GCP Service Account.

    1. Follow the GCP Service Account TypeInstance creation guide to create and obtain ID of the newly created TypeInstance.

    2. Export the TypeInstance ID as environment variable:

      export TI_ID={GCP Service Account TypeInstance ID}
  2. Export Helm storage TypeInstances, which were created as a part of prerequisite instructions:

  3. Update the Global Policy:

    cat > /tmp/policy.yaml << ENDOFFILE
    - description: Helm template
    - description: Helm release
    - interface:
    path: cap.interface.database.postgresql.install
    - implementationConstraints:
    - path: ""
    - path: "cap.type.gcp.auth.service-account"
    - id: ${TI_ID}
    description: "GCP Service Account"
    - interface:
    path: cap.*
    - implementationConstraints:
    - path: "cap.core.type.platform.kubernetes"
    - implementationConstraints: {} # fallback to any Implementation
    capact policy apply -f /tmp/policy.yaml

    NOTE: If you are not familiar with the policy syntax above, check the policy overview document.

  4. Create a Kubernetes Namespace:

    export NAMESPACE=gcp-scenario
    kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
  5. Install Mattermost with the new Global Policy:

    The Global Policy was updated to prefer GCP solutions for the PostgreSQL Interface. As a result, during the render process, the Capact Engine will select a Cloud SQL Implementation which is available in our Hub server.

    Repeat the steps 4–11 from Install all Mattermost components in a Kubernetes cluster in the gcp-scenario Namespace.


🎉 Hooray! You now have your own Mattermost instance installed. Be productive!


⚠️ CAUTION: This removes all resources that you created.

When you are done, remove the Cloud SQL manually and delete the Action:

kubectl delete action mattermost-instance -n $NAMESPACE
helm delete -n $NAMESPACE $(helm list -f="mattermost-*" -q -n $NAMESPACE)

Install Mattermost with an external AWS RDS database

To change the Mattermost installation, we need to adjust our Global policy to prefer AWS solutions. Read more about Global policy configuration here.


  1. Create AWS Credentials TypeInstance.

    1. Follow the AWS Credentials TypeInstance creation guide to create and obtain ID of the newly created TypeInstance.

    2. Export the TypeInstance ID as environment variable:

      export TI_ID={AWS credentials TypeInstance ID}
  2. Export Helm storage TypeInstances, which were created as a part of prerequisite instructions:

  3. Update the Global Policy:

    cat > /tmp/policy.yaml << ENDOFFILE
    - description: Helm template
    - description: Helm release
    - interface:
    path: cap.interface.database.postgresql.install
    - implementationConstraints:
    - path: ""
    - id: ${TI_ID}
    description: "AWS credentials"
    - interface:
    path: cap.*
    - implementationConstraints:
    - path: "cap.core.type.platform.kubernetes"
    - implementationConstraints: {} # fallback to any Implementation
    capact policy apply -f /tmp/policy.yaml

    NOTE: If you are not familiar with the policy syntax above, check the policy overview document.

  4. Create a Kubernetes Namespace:

    export NAMESPACE=aws-scenario
    kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
  5. Install Mattermost with the new Global Policy:

    The Global Policy was updated to prefer AWS solutions for the PostgreSQL Interface. As a result, during the render process, the Capact Engine will select a Cloud SQL Implementation which is available in our Hub server.

    Repeat the steps 4–11 from Install all Mattermost components in a Kubernetes cluster in the aws-scenario Namespace.

🎉 Hooray! You now have your own Mattermost instance installed. Be productive!


⚠️ CAUTION: This removes all resources that you created.

When you are done, remove the AWS RDS manually and delete the Action:

kubectl delete action mattermost-instance -n $NAMESPACE
helm delete -n $NAMESPACE $(helm list -f="mattermost-*" -q -n $NAMESPACE)

Behind the scenes

The following section extends the tutorial with additional topics, to let you dive even deeper into the Capact concepts.

OCF manifests

A user consumes content stored in Capact Hub. The content is defined using Open Capability Format (OCF) manifests. The OCF specification defines the shape of manifests that Capact understands, such as Interface or Implementation.

To see all the manifest that Hub stores, navigate to the Hub content structure.

To see the Mattermost installation manifests, click on the following links:

Content development

To make it easier to develop new Hub content, we implemented a dedicated CLI. Currently, it exposes the validation feature for OCF manifests. It detects the manifest kind and the OCF version to properly validate a given file. You can use it to validate one or multiple files at a single run.

To validate all Hub manifests, navigate to the repository root directory and run the following command:

capact validate ./manifests/**/*.yaml

In the future, we plan to extend the Capact CLI with additional features, such as:

  • manifests scaffolding,
  • manifests submission,
  • signing manifests.

Additional resources

If you want to learn more about the project, check the capact repository. To learn how to develop content, get familiar with the content development guide.