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Version: 0.7

Getting Started

Welcome to the Capact guide on how to get started!

This guide walks you through a series of steps to perform based on your role.

If you are looking for an introductory overview of Capact and want to learn more about basic Capact terminology, check the Glossary and Concepts.

Glossary and Concepts

This section guides you through common topics about Capact:

  1. Introducing Capact blog post to learn what problems Capact aims to solve and why it was created in the first place.
  2. Terminology contains an overview of the most common terms you’ll see in the Capact documentation.
  3. FAQ dedicated to short questions and answers about common topics, including how Capact differs from other available solutions.
  4. E2E Architecture describes the high-level Capact architecture, all components in the system and interactions between them.


This section groups resources to get familiar with Capact based on your role.

people System User

System User operates Capact Actions and manages TypeInstances related to the Actions.

The recommended way to try out Capact quickly is to set up a local development environment:

  1. Install the Capact CLI.
  2. Bootstrap a local Capact cluster using k3d or kind.

    NOTE: To access an already provisioned cluster, contact System Administrator for Capact Gateway credentials.

  3. Use the Capact CLI to deploy real life scenarios. For example, Rocket.Chat.
  4. Share feedback via Slack or GitHub!

Advanced concepts

  1. Learn about Action Policy to find out how to customize Action execution.

admin_panel_settings System Administrator

System Administrator operates Capact installation.

  1. Install the Capact CLI.
  2. Bootstrap a Capact cluster on EKS or GKE.
  3. Learn how to create TypeInstances with AWS or GCP credentials.
  4. Learn about Global Policies to find out how to customize all Action executions.
  5. Learn how to change the source of Public Hub manifests.
  6. Share feedback via Slack or GitHub!

file_copy Content Developer

Content Developer develops new Hub manifests, such as Interfaces, Implementations, Types, etc.

  1. Get familiar with the resources described in the System User section.
  2. Read the Content development guide to learn more about Hub manifests. As a result, it will be easier to understand and modify generated manifests described in the next step.
  3. Generate manifests for a Helm chart or a Terraform module.
  4. Learn how to manually populate the local manifests.
  5. Share your manifests!
  6. Share feedback via Slack or GitHub!

Advanced concepts

  1. Learn about the Workflow Step Policy to customize Action execution and try to use it in your workflows.
  2. Learn how to create a new runner in the idiomatic way.

memory Capact Developer

Capact Developer is a person who develops Capact themself. We use GitHub to host code, organize our backlog, and accept pull requests. To start your journey, check issues with the good first issue label.

  1. Get familiar with the resources described in the Glossary and Concepts section.
  2. Get familiar with the resources described in the System User section.
  3. Make sure an issue related to your change is reported according to our contributing process.
  4. Assign yourself to the related GitHub issue.
  5. Set up a local Capact repository.
  6. Get familiar with the guidelines listed in Development guidelines.
  7. Learn how to test code, build binaries, create a cluster, and more.
  8. Create a PR with your changes. Our CI will verify it and notify the reviewers.

Advanced concepts

  1. Check how the CI pipelines work.
  2. Learn about the Capact release process. It's automated but requires a high permission level and synchronizing it between multiple GitHub repositories, which makes it more complex.

notifications_active Staying Informed

Follow the @capactio account on Twitter to get the latest Capact news. You can also subscribe for new Capact releases on GitHub. We post there a detailed changelog for every release.

For more additional content check the Capact blog and our YouTube channel.