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Release process

This document describes Capact release process.


  1. For all of the following repositories:

    make sure all of the following prerequisites are met:

    • Admin role for a given repository.
    • Disabled branch protection rules. This allows the release jobs to commit directly to main and release branches.
    • An GitHub Environment named Release in a given repository with the following secret set:
      • GH_PAT — GitHub personal access token. Make sure that it has repo and write:packages scopes. Must be in format: <username>:<PAT>
  2. Moreover, there are additional prerequisites for the capactio/capact repository:

    • In GitHub Environment named Release, add the following secret:
      • GCS_CREDS — Google Cloud Platform credentials in JSON format to access Google Cloud Storage for binary and chart releases. Make sure that it has storage.objects.create permission.


Use Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 to specify the next Capact release.

Release Dashboard

The release of Dashboard is automated and done using a GitHub Action workflow.

  1. Open the Make release workflow.
  2. Click Run workflow and depending on your scenario:
    • if making a major/minor release from main, select the main branch and put the version in SemVer, e.g. 0.5.0,
    • if making a patch release from a release branch, select the given release branch and put the version in SemVer, e.g. 0.5.1.
  3. Click Run workflow to start the release workflow.

Release Capact container images and binaries

The release of Capact container images and binaries is automated and done using a GitHub Action workflow.

  1. Open the Make release workflow.
  2. Click Run workflow and depending on your scenario:
    • if making a major/minor release from main, select the main branch and put the version in SemVer, e.g. 0.5.0,
    • if making a patch release from a release branch, select the given release branch and put the version in SemVer, e.g. 0.5.1.
    • provide Dashboard image tag from a capactio/dashboard release build.
  3. Click Run workflow to start the release workflow.

The workflow will prepare the release branch, tag the appropriate commit and create a GitHub Release. gren is used to create the release notes from merged pull requests.

Release Hub manifests

The release of Hub Manifests is automated and done using a GitHub Action workflow.

  1. Open the Make release workflow.
  2. Click Run workflow and put the version parameter and the runner image tag from a capactio/capact release build.
  3. Click Run workflow to start the release workflow.

Validate the release

  1. Install Capact locally from the version you've just released.
  2. Run one of our manifests, such as Mattermost installation. Make sure it passes.

Release documentation

The release of Capact documentation is automated and done using a GitHub Action workflow. If you release a new major or minor Capact version, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Make release workflow.
  2. Click Run workflow and for the version parameter, provide an already released Capact version.
  3. Click Run workflow to start the release workflow.

To read more about documentation versioning, see the Versioning page on the Docusaurus website.

Further manual steps

  1. For the capactio/website repository: Update announcement bar.
    1. Create pull request with announcement banner update (themeConfig.announcementBar in the docusaurus.config.js file).
    2. Get review from any code owner and merge it.
  2. For the capactio/capact repository:
    1. Archive images from Helm charts and add to the GitHub release.
      1. Check out the release branch for the release you created.
      2. Make sure you track upstream release branch and you are on the latest commit.
      3. Run the following command:
        CAPACT_VERSION={version} # e.g. 0.5.0
        capact alpha archive-images helm -v --version ${CAPACT_VERSION} -o ./capact-images-amd64.tar.gz --compress gzip
      4. Once the archive is ready to upload, navigate to the capact Releases page and edit your release.
      5. Upload the archive as another attachment to the release and click Update release button.
    2. On the capact Releases page, edit the draft release with key highlights and publish it.
  3. Share the news on our Slack and social media.


  1. For all of the following repositories:

    perform the following steps:

    • Reenable main and release-* branch protection rules
    • Remove GH_PAT secret from Release environments
  2. Additionally, for the capactio/capact repository, perform the following steps:

    • Remove GCS_CREDS secret from Release environments