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Version: 0.5

Creating Terraform manifests

This document describes how to prepare content which uses Terraform Runner.


MinIO access configuration

One of Capact components is Minio, which is an object store. It can be used for storing modules. Terraform Runner internally uses go-getter so different sources are supported.

To use Minio to upload modules, enable port forward:

kubectl -n capact-system port-forward svc/argo-minio --address 9000:9000

Get the credentials:

MINIO_ACCESSKEY=$(kubectl  -n capact-system get secret argo-minio -o jsonpath='{.data.access-key}' | base64 --decode)
MINIO_SECRETKEY=$(kubectl -n capact-system get secret argo-minio -o jsonpath='{.data.secret-key}' | base64 --decode)

Using MinIO client, configure the access:

mc alias set minio http://localhost:9000 ${MINIO_ACCESSKEY} ${MINIO_SECRETKEY}

Alternatively, use the Minio UI accessible under http://localhost:9000. Print the credentials to copy and paste them to log in form:

printf "Access key: ${MINIO_ACCESSKEY} \nSecret key: ${MINIO_SECRETKEY}\n"

Verify that you can access MinIO:

mc ls minio

On the list, you should see the terraform bucket, which is created by default.

Uploading Terraform modules

NOTE: Manifests are stored in the capactio/hub-manifests git repository.

In the manifests/implementation/gcp/cloudsql/postgresql/install-0.2.0-module directory there is a Terraform module to configure CloudSQL Postgresql instance.

  1. Create tar directory first:

    cd manifests/implementation/gcp/cloudsql/postgresql/install-0.2.0-module && tar -zcvf /tmp/cloudsql.tgz . && cd -
  2. Upload it to MinIO:

    mc cp /tmp/cloudsql.tgz minio/terraform/cloudsql/cloudsql.tgz
  3. As the terraform bucket has download policy set by default, you can access all files with unauthenticated HTTP calls. As you port-forwarded in-cluster MinIO installation, you can check that by using wget. Run:

    wget http://localhost:9000/terraform/cloudsql/cloudsql.tgz

Preparing Capact manifests

To use the module, you need to prepare Capact manifests - InterfaceGroup, Interface, Implementation and Types.

In this example, we have them all already defined for PostgreSQL installation. To create your own manifests, you can base on them:

Populating content

To read more how to populate content, see the Populate the manifests into Hub section in the "Content Development Guide" document.

Running Action

If the MinIO is populated with Terraform content and all manifests are ready, trigger the Mattermost installation, which will use CloudSQL provisioned with Terraform Runner.

To read how to do it, see the Install Mattermost with an external CloudSQL database section in Mattermost installation tutorial. To make sure the Terraform-based Implementation is selected, you may use additional, Attribute-based implementationConstraint in Cluster Policy:

   # (...)
- implementationConstraints:
- path: ""
- path: "cap.attribute.infra.iac.terraform" # Add this line
- path: "cap.type.gcp.auth.service-account"
# (...)