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Version: Unreleased 🚧

capact hub implementation get

capact hub implementation get

Displays one or multiple Implementations available on the Hub server

capact hub implementation get [flags]


# Show all Implementation Revisions in table format
capact hub implementations get

# Show "cap.implementation.gcp.cloudsql.postgresql.install" Implementation Revisions in YAML format
capact hub implementations get cap.interface.database.postgresql.install -oyaml


  -h, --help               help for get
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json | jsonpath | table | yaml (default "table")
-t, --template string JSON path output template (
--timeout duration Timeout for HTTP request (default 30s)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -C, --config string                 Path to the YAML config file
-v, --verbose int/string[=simple] Prints more verbose output. Allowed values: 0 - disable, 1 - simple, 2 - trace (default 0 - disable)


  • capact hub implementation - This command consists of multiple subcommands to interact with Implementations stored on the Hub server