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Version: 0.4

Engine Kubernetes API

The following document lists all decisions regarding Engine Kubernetes API.


The following sections list all agreements regarding Custom Resource Definitions.


For CRD installation we considered the following approaches:

We chose the manual CRD management, because it is the simplest and the most flexible solution. In community there is no agreement how the CRD cycle should be handled, and manual CRD management enables users to have full control on the upgrade behavior. If there will be some breaking changes in CRDS between public releases, we will describe the manual migration process in release notes. In the future, we may consider some automated scripts/tools to make the migration process easier.


Initially we go with only namespace-scoped Action resource. In the future, we may introduce cluster-wide ClusterAction.

User-provided data separation

User-provided data reside in Action.spec, and controller-provided data in Action.status subresource. For example, if user wants to override the rendered Action, he/she has to copy it from .status.renderedAction, modify and put it in .spec.renderedActionOverride.


The most common approach to represent state of the resource is to use conditions array as per API conventions document. The same document clarifies that simpler phase enum approach, visible e.g. in Pod status, is going to be deprecated. The document points to an issue with discussion from 2015. On the other hand, cluster-api uses phase approach, and it doesn't use Conditions at all, because "they are soon to be deprecated" (2018). Argo Workflows uses both conditions and phase approaches.

To sum it up, it looks like there are different opinions how to represent the state. For more details, read the article "What the heck are Conditions in Kubernetes controllers?".

Analyzing our case, we found out that:

  • In Capact CLI we need to present user a simple high level status for a given Action. Calculating it from conditions array would be complex.
  • Currently, Capact CLI and kubectl are the only consumers of the Action status. Conditions array wouldn't bring many benefits to us at a current state of the project.

We decided that we initially go with the phase approach. In the future, we may introduce conditions array, following Kubernetes API conventions and guidelines.