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Version: 0.4

Monitoring of long-running GCP cluster


You need to have the following tools installed on your operating system:

You need to configure the gcloud CLI, so it's able to access capact project on GCP. You can follow this guide to configure it.

Setup access to GKE cluster

Set the following environment variables in your shell:

export REGION=europe-west1
export CLUSTER_NAME=capact-stage

Get the kubeconfig for the long-running Capact GKE cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region ${REGION}

This command adds a new context to your local kubeconfig file. The name of the context will be in the format gke_<project_name>_<region>_<cluster_name>. Switch to the long-running Capact cluster context:

kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                                         CLUSTER                                      AUTHINFO                                     NAMESPACE
* gke_capact_europe-west1_capact-stage gke_capact_europe-west1_capact-stage gke_capact_europe-west1_capact-stage capact-system
kind-kind-dev-capact kind-kind-dev-capact kind-kind-dev-capact local-scenario
kubectl config use-context gke_capact_europe-west1_capact-stage

Now run the script to add your public IP address to the authorized control plane networks, so you will be able to make queries to the GKE API server:

./hack/monitoring/ add

Check the cluster metrics

Follow this guide to connect to Grafana and check the cluster metrics.

Remove your IP from the authorized list

Once you are done, run the following script to remove your IP from the authorized GKE control plane networks:

./hack/monitoring/ remove