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Version: 0.4

Google Cloud Platform Installation

This tutorial shows how to set up a private Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with full Capact installation. All core Capact components are located in deploy/kubernetes/charts. Additionally, Capact uses Cert Manager to generate the certificate for the Capact Gateway domain.



  • Helm v3 installed
  • kubectl installed
  • terraform installed
  • gcloud installed
  • A domain for your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project with Kubernetes Engine API enabled



Create GKE private cluster

  1. Check the latest stable Capact release on Capact GitHub releases page.

    Note the git tag for the latest version (for example, v0.3.0).

  2. Clone the capact repository for a specific tag noted from previous version.

    git clone --depth 1 --branch {tag}
    cd ./capact
  3. Generate a Service Account for Terraform.

    1. Open and select your project.
    2. In the left pane, go to Identity and select Service accounts.
    3. Click Create service account, name your account, and click Create.
    4. Assign the Compute Network Admin, Compute Security Admin, Kubernetes Engine Admin, Service Account User roles.
    5. Click Create key and choose JSON as the key type.
    6. Save the JSON file.
    7. Click Done.
  4. Create a private GKE cluster.

    1. Export the GKE cluster name and region.

    NOTE: To reduce latency when working with a cluster, select the region based on your location.

    export CLUSTER_NAME="capact-demo-v1"
    export REGION="europe-west2"

    2. Create Terraform variables.

    cat <<EOF > ./hack/ci/terraform/terraform.tfvars

    3. Initialize your Terraform working directory.

    terraform -chdir=hack/ci/terraform/ init

    4. Create a GKE cluster.

    NOTE: This takes around 10 minutes to finish.

    terraform -chdir=hack/ci/terraform/ apply

    5. Fetch GKE credentials.

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --region $REGION

    At this point, these are the only IP addresses that have access to the cluster control plane:

    • The primary range of subnetwork-${CLUSTER_NAME}
    • The secondary range used for Pods

    6. If you have your machine outside your VPC network, authorize it to access the public endpoint.

    gcloud container clusters update $CLUSTER_NAME --region $REGION \
    --enable-master-authorized-networks \
    --master-authorized-networks $(printf "%s/32" "$(curl")

    Now these are the only IP addresses that have access to the control plane:

    • The primary range of subnetwork-${CLUSTER_NAME}
    • The secondary range used for Pods
    • Address ranges that you have authorized, for example

Install Capact

This guide explains how to deploy Capact on a cluster using your own domain.

TIP: Get a free domain for your cluster using services like or similar.

  1. Delegate the management of your domain to Google Cloud DNS

    If your domain is not managed by GCP DNS, follow below steps:

    1. Export the project name, the domain name, and the DNS zone name as environment variables. Run these commands:

      export GCP_PROJECT={YOUR_GCP_PROJECT} # e.g. capact
      export DNS_NAME={YOUR_ZONE_DOMAIN} # your custom domain, e.g.
      export DNS_ZONE={YOUR_DNS_ZONE} # e.g. own-domain
    2. Create a DNS-managed zone in your Google project. Run:

      gcloud dns --project=$GCP_PROJECT managed-zones create $DNS_ZONE --description= --dns-name=$DNS_NAME

      Alternatively, create the DNS-managed zone through the GCP UI. In the Network section navigate to Network Services, click Cloud DNS, and select Create Zone.

    3. Delegate your domain to Google name servers.

      • Get the list of the name servers from the zone details. This is a sample list:
      • Set up your domain to use these name servers.

    4. Check if everything is set up correctly and your domain is managed by Google name servers. Run:

      host -t ns $DNS_NAME

      A successful response returns the list of the name servers you fetched from GCP.

      NOTE: It may take a few minutes before the DNS is updated.

  2. Export Gateway password and domain name

    export DOMAIN="$CLUSTER_NAME.$(echo $DNS_NAME | sed 's/\.$//')" # e.g. `export DOMAIN=""`
    export GATEWAY_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
  3. Install all Capact components (Capact core, Grafana, Prometheus, Neo4J, NGINX, Argo, Cert Manager)

    CUSTOM_CAPACT_SET_FLAGS="--set global.domainName=$DOMAIN --set global.gateway.auth.password=$GATEWAY_PASSWORD" \
    OVERRIDE_DOCKER_TAG="{CAPACT_VERSION_TAG}" # Version tag pattern is first 7 characters of commit SHA from main or release branch, e.g. `afc9d43` \

    NOTE: This command installs ingress which automatically creates a LoadBalancer. If you have your own LoadBalancer, you can use it by adding CUSTOM_NGINX_SET_FLAGS="--set ingress-nginx.controller.service.loadBalancerIP={YOUR_LOAD_BALANCER_IP}" to the above install command. If your domain points to your LoadBalance IP, skip the next step.

    NOTE: To install different Capact version, change OVERRIDE_DOCKER_TAG to different Docker image tag.

  4. Update the DNS record

    As the previous step created a LoadBalancer, you now need to create a DNS record for its external IP.

    export EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP=$(kubectl get service ingress-nginx-controller -n capact-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
    gcloud dns --project=$GCP_PROJECT record-sets transaction start --zone=$DNS_ZONE
    gcloud dns --project=$GCP_PROJECT record-sets transaction add $EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP --name=\*.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE
    gcloud dns --project=$GCP_PROJECT record-sets transaction execute --zone=$DNS_ZONE
  5. Check if everything is set up correctly and your domain points to LoadBalancer IP. Run:

    nslookup gateway.$DOMAIN
  6. Get information about Capact Gateway.

    To obtain Gateway URL and authorization information, run:

    helm get notes -n capact-system capact    

    Example output:

    Thank you for installing Capact components.

    Here is the list of exposed services:
    - Gateway GraphQL Playground:

    Use the following header configuration in the Gateway GraphQL Playground:

    "Authorization": "Basic Z3JhcGhxbDpBbjR4YzQwb1M3MEllRnVkd0owcE9Bb2UxU3hVWWJ2a1dxNS8zZVRJZnJNPQ=="

    ✨ Now you are ready to start a journey with the Capact project. Check out our Mattermost installation example!


When you are done, you can simply remove the whole infrastructure via Terraform:

terraform -chdir=hack/ci/terraform/ destroy

Additionally, you can remove the Google DNS Zone if not needed. In the Network section navigate to Network Services, click Cloud DNS, select your zoned and click trash icon.

Change the source of Hub manifests

By default, the Hub manifests are synchronized with the manifests directory from the capact repository on a specific release branch. You can change that by overriding MANIFEST_PATH environment variable for hub-public Deployment.

For example, to use the main branch as a source of Hub manifests, run:

export BRANCH_NAME=main
kubectl set env deployment/capact-hub-public -n capact-system --containers="hub-public-populator" MANIFESTS_PATH="[email protected]:capactio/hub-manifests.git?sshkey=${SSH_KEY}&ref=${BRANCH_NAME}"

NOTE: The sshkey parameter is a Base64 encoded private key used by populator to download manifests. It has read only access. NOTE: Populator uses go-getter so different sources are supported e.g. S3, GCS, etc.