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Version: 0.7

Basic diagnostics

Here you can find the list of basic diagnostic actions that may help you look for bug causes.


This section describes Engine related diagnostic.

Engine health

To check if the Engine Pods are in the Running state, run:

kubectl get pod -n capact-system -l

All the containers from Pods should be in the Running status. Restarts number higher than 1 may also indicate problems, e.g. not enough resource, lack of permissions, network timeouts etc.

Engine logs

If the Engine is healthy, you should be able to track any bug by checking the logs. To check the logs, run:

kubectl logs -n capact-system -l -c engine

To check the logs since a given time, use the --since-time flag, for example:


Checking Action status

To check the Action status, run:

kubectl get ${ACTION_NAME} -n {ACTION_NAMESPACE} -ojsonpath="{.status}"

Checking Action status message

To check the Action status message, run:

kubectl get ${ACTION_NAME} -n {ACTION_NAMESPACE} -ojsonpath="{.status.message}"

Checking rendered Action workflow

To check the rendered Action workflow before execution, run:

kubectl get ${ACTION_NAME} -n {ACTION_NAMESPACE} -ojsonpath='{.status.rendering.action.args.workflow}'

NOTE: To display it in a more readable format, you can pipe it to jq.

Checking Action execution status

An Action is executed via Argo Workflows. To check the execution status you can use either Argo CLI or Argo UI:

  • Using command line.

    Install the latest stable Argo CLI for version v2.x.x, and run:

  • Using browser.

    By default, the Argo UI is not exposed publicly. You need to port-forward the Service to your local machine:

    kubectl -n capact-system port-forward svc/argo-argo-workflows-server 2746

    Navigate to http://localhost:2746 to open Argo UI. Argo Workflow has the same name as the executed Action.


Checking Global Policy

To check the Global Policy definition, run:

kubectl get cm -n capact-system capact-engine-cluster-policy -oyaml


This section describes Gateway related diagnostic.

Gateway health

To check if the Gateway Pods are in the Running state, run:

kubectl get po -n capact-system -l

All the containers from Pods should be in the Running status. Restarts number higher than 1 may also indicate problems, e.g. not enough resource, lack of permissions, network timeouts etc.

Gateway logs

If the Gateway is healthy, you should be able to track any bug by checking the logs. To check the logs, run:

kubectl logs -n capact-system -l -c gateway

To check the logs since a given time, use the --since-time flag, for example:


Public Hub

This section describes Public Hub related diagnostic.

Public Hub health

To check if the Public Hub Pods are in the Running state, run:

kubectl get po -n capact-system -l

All the containers from Pods should be in the Running status. Restarts number higher than 1 may also indicate problems, e.g. not enough resource, lack of permissions, network timeouts etc.

Public Hub logs

If the Public Hub is healthy, you should be able to track any bug by checking the logs. To check the logs, run:

kubectl logs -n capact-system -l -c hub-public

To check the logs since a given time, use the --since-time flag, for example:


Hub Populator logs

If the Public Hub is healthy, you should be able to track any bug by checking the logs. To check the logs, run:

kubectl logs -n capact-system -l -c hub-public-populator

To check the logs since a given time, use the --since-time flag, for example:


Checking if Public Hub is populated

  • Check if Hub Populator logs contain a message similar to: {"level":"info","ts":1620895282.3582015,"caller":"register/ocf_manifests.go:107","msg":"Populated new data","duration (seconds)":235.525841306}. It means that manifests were populated successfully. If you get an error similar to: error: container hub-public-populator is not valid for pod capact-hub-public-84cc74bc66-pmkhp it means that the Public Hub Populator is disabled. You can either enable automated synchronization with an external source or manually populate the manifests into Hub.

  • Check if manifests can be fetched from the Public Hub. Install the latest stable Capact CLI, and run:

    capact hub interfaces search

    Successful response, should look similar to:

                               PATH                             LATEST REVISION                           IMPLEMENTATIONS
    +---------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 0.1.0 cap.implementation.elastic.elasticsearch.install
    cap.interface.automation.concourse.change-db-password 0.1.0 cap.implementation.concourse.concourse.change-db-password
  • Check if manifests sources are correct.

Local Hub

This section describes Local Hub related diagnostic.

Local Hub health

To check if the Local Hub Pods are in the Running state, run:

kubectl get po -n capact-system -l

All the containers from Pods should be in the Running status. Restarts number higher than 1 may also indicate problems, e.g. not enough resource, lack of permissions, network timeouts etc.

Local Hub logs

If the Local Hub is healthy, you should be able to track any bug by checking the logs. To check the logs, run:

kubectl logs -n capact-system -l -c hub-local

To check the logs since a given time, use the --since-time flag, for example:


Checking if TypeInstance exists

To check if TypeInstance exists. Install the latest stable Capact CLI, and run:

capact typeinstance get {TYPE_INSTANCE_ID}

Successful response, should look similar to:

            TYPE INSTANCE ID                          TYPE                                 USES                                  USED BY                  REVISION
d9975239-6483-444b-b7de-b9f5a47a710d cap.type.helm.chart.release —— —— 1

Pod restart

When Pods are unhealthy, or if the operation processing is stuck, you can restart the Pod using this command:

kubectl delete po -n capact-system -l{COMPONENT_NAME}